About me


2021年3月  急性期病院を退職
2021年7月  疾病予防のオンライン栄養指導開始
2021年8月  インドへ移住
2021年9月  ブログ、Cooking is Loving Youを開設
2021年10月 Foodshaala Foundationで栄養関連のボランティア活動開始
2023年2月  日本へ帰国
2023年8月  イギリスへ移住
2023年12月 大学病院(NHS)のケータリング部門で就労開始


I worked at an acute hospital for 6 years as a dietitian in Japan.
Since my career started my working duty has always been in the field of food and health wherever I am.

My husband and I lived in India for two years before moving to the UK in August 2023.
I enjoy knowing different cultures, especially diverse cuisines all over the world that excite me.

I’ve currently worked at an NHS hospital in the UK as a catering assistant, gaining a lot of experiences to improve my professional skills.
On this blog I share my daily life, recipes and nutritional information from my aspect.

Many thanks,



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